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 Forum Rules

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sparc mac
sparc mac

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Join date : 2011-07-17
Age : 32

Forum Rules Empty
PostSubject: Forum Rules   Forum Rules I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 21, 2011 11:51 pm

Forum Rules

1. No Harrasment!
Do not use offensive, unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful, racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable language toward users of the board. Do not post anything that encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liabilities, or is unlawful in any other way. There will be no discussion based on a national, religious, sexual or ethical nature.

2. Research prior to asking..
If you have a question, please use the search function first before asking it. There is a good chance that your question was already asked and answered before.

3. Do not break copyrights!
You may not submit any content protected by intellectual property laws or by rights of privacy, unless you own the rights thereto or have received all necessary consents. You shall be solely liable for any damage resulting from any infringement of copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights.

4. No impersonation!
It's not allowed to make any false representation, including impersonation of any person or entity or misrepresentation of your affiliation with any person or entity.

5. No advertisment of other servers or websites!
You will accept the punishment of a permanent ban if you break this rule.

6. Do not spam to only contact one person!
If you want to contact only 1 person, or a certain group of posters, please use PM,l or Instant Messaging to contact them.

7. No sexual material!
IF you saw an offense or a bad thing (Nudity, se x, Swearing, Insults, etc.) on the forums and you reported it, PLEASE BE PATIENT. The Staff has MANY things to do. Do NOT worry, your report WILL be read and problem WILL be Correctly Handled.

8. Do not spam in the forums!
Posts should contribute to the discussion at hand, or they are spam. If you intend on replying with a picture, there has to be content there that contributes to the discussion. If the picture is meant to be the entire content of the post, it does not belong here. Please post the random pictures elsewhere.

9. Do not double post!
Trying to "bump" a thread by double posting is not allowed. A punishment will be given upon doing so.

What is ''spam'' in this forum?

Necroing old topics) Posting in an old thread, bumping it to the top of the forum is okay, as long as the post that bumps it is relevant to the discussion. If not, this is subject to moderator action, and may lead to a warning or ban.[/list]
Bumping) If your thread's falling to the bottom of the page and you want to knock it up to the top again, don't just bump. Make a post that adds to the content of the thread or elaborates on the discussion at hand. Gotta keep it interesting to post![/list]
Begging) If you want money,items. Don't try to beg. It only reduces your reputation.[/list]
Advertising) If you want to publicize your website, auction, lottery or quest, put a link in your sig. Don't post a thread about it in GD. Advertising = spamming, and will get you warned or banned.[/list]
Over-sized text) There is a series of sizes that are provided in the Post Reply window to sized your font. It is recommended to just stick to using those. Please recognize that manually editing the text to where it stretches the page in an unhealthy manner will be considered an act of trolling and spam.[/list]
Unreadably tiny text) Text which is unreadable (and thus invisible against the page background) or too tiny to read with the naked eye will be treated as if it is not there.[/list]
Misleading titles) Titles what don't match the discussion are tricksy and false. [/list]
Double Posting) If you reply 2 times or more in a short period of time, it's considered as ''spam'' and you will get a warning for it. Simply edit your previous text because double posting is verry annoying and it gives false earned post counts. If a topic is old for a pretty long time, and you wish to get it under attention again, it is okay to double post in such situations. [/list]
Posting Malicious Content) No posting of any malicious material. Also no post copyrighted material that does not belong to you as that is breaking copyright.[/list]

Please stick to these rules and protect yourself getting banned
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